tirsdag 30. november 2010

A Yule Ball?

I LOVE Harry Potter! Just so that's clear. The books, the movies, everything.
I have seen The Deathly Hallows twice, and I will see it again soon. Loved it.

So, I could go on about HP forever, but i won't. Not right now anyway. This is just a little inspiration post, because, my class is going to have a Christmas Ball. :) Sort of, it's not until January, but still. The theme will be simple; "FROST" ("winter" etc) and I want to take inspiration from the HP-films for decoration, food, and so on. (I would have liked the whole theme to be "Harry Potter", but..oh well) SOOO, I absolutley must have a HP-inspired dress!

I have been picturing Luna Lovegoods Dress from DH..
It's just so sweet and a bit weird. Like Luna! :) And it grabbed my attention when I saw the film, probably partly beacuse I reeeeaally like yellow. BUT, for the sake of the theme I have to change the color. So I'm thinking bluuue. Not white surely. But blue.. I think that could work, just get the right blues so it doesn't look too.. babydoll or whatever.
(Also, I have these long blonde hairextensions I've never used. ...see where I'm going with this? :D )

But also, I've wanted for some time now, to make Fleurs dress fom the Yule Ball.
So elegant. Maybe a bit to formal? I'm thinking if I make it a bit shorter it would be more suitable. ..or maybe it should be formal..? I haven't really been to a ball before... Jikes!

Hermione is probably my favourite character in the HP universe. But. Though the dresses she has worn are pretty, they are not as much my "style". So I won't go for any of them this time. But let's have a couple of pictures none the less! :)

And i HAVE to add a picture of Fleurs wedding dress. How lovely is this one? Gasp.

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