tirsdag 23. november 2010

A Small Introduction

In short;
*I love clothes and fashion (and so many other things..less relevant to this blog.)
*I have been drawing clothing/costumes since.. I can't even remember.
*I learned myself to sew about 2 years ago, because I just HAD TO! :D
*Now I want to try and keep a blog about my sewingprojects, inspirations, ideas and such -for many reasons. Like, by making my goals somewhat public, I might be able to push myself harder to reach them. And, I have come across many nice sewingblogs that have inspired me, so maybe one day I can help inspire someone with mine! Also, it's nice to just have a record of what I have (or haven't) accomplished.

So yes, it's a sewing blog. Or fashion blog. Both. And I might squeeze in a few "unrelated" topics once in a while. But mainly fabrics, fashions, clothes I make, clothes i want to make, stuff I learn, inspiration. The works.

This year my main goal has been to sew 12 pieces of clothing. So pretty much one project for one month, because I tend to spend too long time on one thing. Well, we've been through 10 months, and..well let's see.

Things started out well, I made this 50s inspired pyjamas-dress in January. (It looks weird, but it's quite nice. :) )February I spend making this top. There is actually a floral pattern in the fabric, which I really like, but the fabric is a bit stiff so I look pregnant when I wear it...
In March, i was running out of time, so i decided to give myself a "project runway"-ish challenge. I had one day to make something of this pretty green fabric... Well.. I spent 2 days, aaand, I don't know. -___-
April I got some nice flowery fabric from my grand-mother, and got the idea for this dress. I'm really happy with it! (But it wasn't finished before the end of may...)

And so, it was summer. Holiday, sun, things to do. I started a new dress. But it is actually not finished YET! -And after summer I started at a new school, and was very busy. Things were not looking promising.
BUT! Luckily I am studying DRAMA and theatre(I love it :)) and our biggest project this semester was to, in groups, be assigned a play and then edit it down to half an hour, and set it up. We had to do everything ourselves, lights, direction, acting, sound and of course COSTUMES! :D I was so excited at this chance, and got the resposibility for the costumes.
And the play my group set up was no other than Shakespeare's Midsummernightsdream.
Long story short, we only had 6 weeks for the whole project, so this had to be simple but nice. We were 8 people, I drew costumes for 6 of us (the others had clothes they could use), and made 4 of them.
More details maybe in the future, but for now:
Outfits for Thesevs and Egevs, Hermia and Helena (I don't have pictures ATM..)
That's 8 projects total! :D
And the weekend after our premiere, we had planned a class-party, with a Rockabillytheme, and somehow I managed to make a whole dress in only four days! :D That's a record.
And here we are. 3 projects left. I am hoping I can finish the summerproject soooon. It's gonna be great! :) And then we'll see...

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